For the class of 2007, we have data for 6 ½ years after high school graduation. 43 students have obtained Associate’s Degrees, 25 have Certificates, and 471 have four-year degrees. For the class of 2008, (5 ½ years out from high school graduation), 40 have Associate degrees, 31 have Certificates, and 498 have four-year degrees.
Of the 56 certificates reported by colleges for the classes of 2007 and 2008, 39 came from Carrington College of Boise (College of Western Idaho came into existence after these classes began their college journey). 36 of 56 certificates were in areas of medicine (Medical Assisting and Dental Assisting were the most popular certificates).
Of the 83 Associate’s Degrees earned by the classes of 2007 and 2008, 24 came from Boise State University and the College of Western Idaho; the remainder were from colleges scattered around the region and the country.
969 four-year degrees have been earned by the classes of 2007 ad 2008. Here is the distribution of four-year degree major areas for those graduates:

Of the BSD 4-year college grads, 284 (29%) graduated from Boise State University. Here is the distribution of majors among the BSU grads:

167 (17%) of the BSD grads matriculated from the University of Idaho. Here's a chart showing the major areas for those students:

In November, we'll have 5 years of data from the high school class of 2009, and additional information about 2007 and 2008. We'll add those data into the mix, in order to continue tracking college destinations and majors.
To date, 32.3% of the Class of 2007 have received a 2 or 4 year degree or a certificate from a college or university. For the class of 2008, the figure is 29%. College matriculation rates for every state are available at the National Council for Higher Education Management Systems site. These graduation rates are about three times those claimed in the Idaho Business for Education Field Guide to Education in Idaho on the Don't Fail Idaho website.