Boise District Class Size Updated
In April, we posted class size data for the Boise District, and distinguished between average class size and student-teacher ratio. Following is the 2014-15 update of average class size for the District.
As the economy improved and property values began to increase within the District boundaries, the Boise Board approved reduction of the 2012 voter-approved levy. Initially, though voters approved a $14 million levy, the District ran the levy for only $12 million. For the 2014-15 school year, the Board unanimously approved lowering the amount of the levy to $6.5 million. The purpose of the levy was to maintain or reduce District class sizes.
Here is the average elementary class size in the Boise District since 2003-04, updated with the 2014-15 data point:
Here is the average elementary class size in the Boise District since 2003-04, updated with the 2014-15 data point:
At the junior high level, average class sizes dropped by .7 from 2013-14 to 2014-15.
Here are average junior high class sizes by department. Note that in only two departments, Music and Technology, are average class sizes higher in 2014-14 than they were in 2013-14. In every other department, 2014-15 sizes are lower.
In the chart below, average class sizes by junior high are displayed for 2013-14 and 2014-15.
Boise District senior high class sizes had been trending downward for several years, when, in 2014-15, District high schools moved from a 6-period day to 7 periods. Class sizes dropped again as a similar number of senior high students took additional offerings.
However, the class size trends were not distributed evenly among departments. Students took additional electives in order to fill their schedules, and, in departments which offer only electives (Technology, Art, Business, Marketing, Human Development) average class sizes increased (though they are still relatively low).
In departments which offer primarily required courses ("core subjects") average class sizes dropped. These departments included Math. Social Studies, Language Arts, and Science.
Finally, here are senior high average class sizes by school for 2013-14 and 2014-15: